CITY: New York City, NY, USA
POPULATION: 8,391,000
ºF : JAN: 38/26 · APR: 61/44 · JUL: 85/69 · OCT: 65/50
ºC: JAN: 3/-3 · APR: 16/7 · JUL: 29/20 · OCT: 18/10
Five things to see/do in New York City: New York has some of the best museums in the world. Don’t miss the enormous Metropolitan Museum of Art (the Met), the MOMA (Museum of Modern Art), and the Frick Collection, located next to the Met.
Check out the Ground Zero Museum Workshop, which includes photos, relics, and some 3D exhibits related to the events of September 11, 2001.
Book your tickets in advance to visit the famous Statue of Liberty, considered by many to be the “symbol of the USA”, the top part of which offers great views of the city and its surroundings. Also, don’t miss Ellis Island, with its historical exhibits related to immigration.
Take a walk through Times Square at night, and catch a show on Broadway, the world famous street (and district) known for its abundance of theatres.
Go to the top of the Empire State Building, one of the city’s most famous landmarks, to experience fantastic views of the Manhattan skyline.
New York City, NY, USA
Globotrip ratingTM: 8.1
The breakdown:
VALUE: 6.9
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