CITY: Los Angeles, CA, USA
POPULATION: 3,831,000
ºF : JAN: 65/48 · APR: 70/53 · JUL: 82/62 · OCT: 77/58
ºC: JAN: 18/9 · APR: 21/12 · JUL: 28/17 · OCT: 25/14
Five things to see/do in Los Angeles: Check out the walk of fame along Hollywood boulevard, stopping by the famous Grauman’s Chinese Theater, with its hand and foot-prints of famous Hollywood stars. Don’t forget to look up to see the Hollywood sign.
Take a walk on the historic Venice boardwalk, a great place to people-watch in the city’s historic Venice Beach. Not far from there are the Venice Beach canals, a more tranquil way to enjoy the neighborhood.
Visit the J. Paul Getty Museum. Apart from having a fantastic collection of art works from around the world, the museum grounds, perched up on a hill, offer great views of the city below.
Universal Studios in North Hollywood is a famous theme-park where you can both tour a typical Hollywood film studio, and go on some amazing rides.
Apart from the Getty Museum (see above), L.A. has some great museums offering a variety of interesting exhibits. Some of the most notable ones are the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Autry Museum of Western Heritage, which celebrates the history/heritage of the American West, and Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in Hollywood.
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Globotrip ratingTM: 7.7
The breakdown:
VALUE: 7.3
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