CITY: Rome (Roma), Italy
POPULATION: 2,718,000
ºF : JAN: 55/39 · APR: 63/47 · JUL: 83/66 · OCT: 71/56
ºC: JAN: 13/4 · APR: 17/8 · JUL: 28/19 · OCT: 22/13
Five things to see/do in Rome: Explore Rome’s famous Colosseum (Colosseo) – the ancient site where Roman gladiators battled – either on your own, or with a guided tour.
Don’t miss the Pantheon, – built as a temple to the gods of ancient Rome, and one of the most impressive monuments of Augustan Rome. Its magnificent interior offers many fine sculptures, paintings, as well as vaults where several Italian kings are buried.
Visit Vatican City, especially it’s famous St. Peter’s Basilica, which awes its numerous daily visitors with it’s grandiose facade and beautiful decorative interiors, complete with paintings and sculptures.
Don’t miss the sculptures (including some beautiful ones by Bernini) at the Galleria Borghese, located in the Villa Borghese.
The Trevi Fountain (Fontana di Trevi) is one of the most photographed sites in the city, and it is said that anyone who tosses a coin into the fountain will return to Rome.
Rome (Roma), Italy
Globotrip ratingTM: 7.9
The breakdown:
VALUE: 6.8
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