CITY: Galway, Ireland
ºF : JAN: 45/37 · APR: 53/41 · JUL: 65/55 · OCT: 56/46
ºC: JAN: 7/3 · APR: 12/5 · JUL: 18/13 · OCT: 13/8Five things to see/do in Galway:
Tour the Dunsandle Castle, a recently-restored, historic 15th century castle (guided tours available), situated in a beautiful wooded area.

From the center of town, walk along the Corrib River to the Galway Cathedral and take a look at its beautiful stained-glass windows.

Take a walk along Galway’s canals, the first of which were built in the middle of the 19th century.

The Spanish Arch is a Galway landmark, and one of the town’s oldest structures, dating back to the late 16th century.

Lynch’s Castle (currently occupied by a bank), is a fine example of the historic “town castle” type of structure, which historically were residences of wealthy merchants.