CITY: Brussels, Belgium
POPULATION: 1,120,000
ºF : JAN: 42/34 · APR: 55/40 · JUL: 72/56 · OCT: 58/46
ºC: JAN: 6/1 · APR: 12/5 · JUL: 21/13 · OCT: 14/8
Five things to see/do in Brussels: The Grand Place, the central square of the city, boasts some beautiful architecture as well as several (fairly overpriced) eating and drinking options. The streets around the Grand Place offer some interesting historic architecture as well.
The famous statue of a peeing boy, the Mannekin Pis, has long been one of Brussels’ most recognizable landmarks.
The Musical Instrument Museum has become increasing popular among visitors to Brussels. It offers a historical overview and display of a wide range of musical instruments from around the world.
Check out the Palais de Justice (Palace of Justice), a majestic structure, both inside and out, that was designed to be the biggest of its kind at the time of its construction.
Beer connoisseurs should take a tour of the Cantillon brewery, a great local brewery that offers its visitors an informative guided tour of the beer making process, followed by a sampling of its delicious brew.
Brussels, Belgium
Globotrip ratingTM: 7.9
The breakdown:
VALUE: 7.4
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