Three Top Cities for Digital Nomads
If you can make your money go further you can improve your quality of life. As a digital nomad you can do this by using a simple system called currency arbitrage. It sounds fancy, but it just means taking advantages of differences in living costs by using your ability to relocate anywhere in the world. […]
The Best Tools To Travel and Work With
When working whilst you’re travelling, above all else you need to be organised. It’s all very well spending all your time sightseeing and enjoying yourself, but if you’ve made commitments, you need to stick with them. And the best way to do that is to be as well-prepared and as organised as possible. One thing, […]
How to Get Free Office Space Anywhere in the World
One of the hardest things about travelling the world as a digital nomad is finding a place to work. Let me tell you, although the idea of working by the pool or in your hotel room sounds cool – and it is probably what most people imagine you do when you tell them you work […]
Raja Ampat: The Perfect Getaway
Even a digital nomads needs a break from it all and there are few better places in the world to do this, than Raja Ampat off the coast of West Papua. The tropical archipelago of almost a thousand islands is the ultimate picture postcard desert island paradise. The sea is warm, the weather is hot, […]
How to Get Paid to go to the Best Nightclubs
We’ve all woken up after a large night nursing a heavy hangover and a dented bank account. The price that clubs charge for alcohol, not to mention the cover fee, makes this an almost inevitable part of the weekend. Yet it doesn’t have to be this way. What if I told you that you could […]
Stay Healthy While Traveling
The first time I travelled, I came back utterly, irrevocably destroyed by my own lack of respect for my body. Over the month I was away, I drank immense amounts of booze, ate exclusively bread for one week and rich restaurant meals in another, chain smoked my way through most of Eastern Europe, and just […]
5 Recommended Industries to Start a Business
Thinking of being your own boss for a change and starting your own business? First thing you’ll want to consider is choosing an industry that grows fast and with products or services that people actually lust for. For now, forget about coming up with a suitable name and tagline. The first thing on your business […]
5 Best Value Cities in Europe
Europe has always been a top travel destination. The well-preserved architecture and the unmistakable old-world charm that echoes in every city are but two of the reasons why European cities attract travelers from all over. For those who want to visit and experience Europe, but want to keep to a budget, here are five budget […]
The World’s Most Business-Friendly City
Singapore has topped the list for the most business-friendly city in the world for the last 6 years, and shows no sign of slowing down now. The wonderful thing about this for any worldly entrepreneurs looking to set themselves up here is that Singapore isn’t just a great place to do business – it’s a […]
The US as a Digital Nomad
The ‘States as a travel destination have always been enormously under-appreciated, but are particularly worth considering if you’re hoping to work whilst you travel as a digital nomad. Though not the cheapest of countries, America has many of the things that other countries lack that digital nomads can find so frustrating, like a decent Internet […]