About the company

We at Globotrip.com want you to get the best possible (basic) information about a city, and we’ve adopted a somewhat elitist approach to travel writing to ensure that you do. Many travel sites have extensive pages devoted to a particular city, region, etc., but because this information is user-created, it is often either badly written, inaccurate, or just plain confusing.

We care about quality control so the only content and information that we upload relating to a particular city has been provided by our extensive elite network of people whose opinion we trust, mostly made up of travel writers and other individuals who work in the tourism industry of the particular regions that they write about. Furthermore, we’ve created a site that is both concise and easy to navigate, so you won’t be lost in a flood of cyber-info like on some of the big travel sites.


The Globotrip Rating (TM) is a proprietary rating system based on five criteria, that is designed to give you a good idea of how “travel-worthy” a certain city is.

We have an extensive network of colleagues and partners all over the world who, in our opinion, are authorities on certain cities, especially from a traveller’s perspective. We have asked these people (usually four or five per city), to rate a particular city in the categories outlined below (ATTRACTIONS, HOTELS, TRANSPORTATION, and VALUE). Then, we take an average of all of their ratings for a particular category and that becomes the Globotrip rating for that category. Consequently, the sum of all the category ratings divided by five becomes the general Globotrip Rating (TM) for the city.

Here’s a break-down of the criteria we use:

1) ATTRACTIONS – what a city has to offer in terms of interesting architecture, museums, sights, natural attractions, etc., as well as the general “attractiveness” of a city, from a touristic point of view.

2) HOTELS – not only refers to the number of hotels in a city, but also to how many options there are in various price ranges, and the general quality of hotels at all price ranges.

3) RESTAURANTS – not only refers to the number and quality of restaurants in a city, but also to the range of different types of cuisine available.

4) TRANSPORTATION – refers to the availability of public transportation, how easy (or hard) it is to get to the city from the airport, the price and quality of taxi cabs, as well as to the general “walkability” of a city.

5) VALUE – Is the city full of good deals? Is it ridiculously overpriced? This is the most “subjective” of all the categories, and refers to our experts’ assessment as to whether or not the services listed above (attractions, hotels, restaurants, etc.) are worth the prices charged.

What our clients say

“Great service”

Darlene Robertson

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Meet our team

Darlene Robertson

Founder & CEO

Jenny Wilson

Marketing Manager

Jerome Bell

Product Manager

Annette Black

UI/UX Designer

Eleanor Pena

Creative Director

Marvin McKinney

Chief Financial Officer

Annette Black

Project Manager

Darrell Steward

President of Sales